Lemons and Lyme

By Terri McCormick, CNHP, Certified Lyme Specialist

It’s a common fact that people in the Lyme disease community have an overload of toxins circulating in their liver from both the illness and treatment. When Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme bacteria) is broken down by antibiotics, herbal therapy or other alternative therapies, endotoxins are released causing a Jarisch-Herxheimer (Herx) reaction. This reaction can cause you to feel much worse before feeling better. Supporting the body’s detox functions will help you tolerate treatment and feel better.   

 The liver is a detox organ that’s often overlooked and under-appreciated. We forget about it and just hope it’s doing its job. Truly, the liver is the body’s main filter. It’s a detox workhorse accomplishing thousands of functions, including defusing and hindering harmful materials, screening and filtering blood, and guarding your immune system. The liver works hard for you to keep your body balanced. It’s important to support your liver function and give it some tender loving care. 

Lemons are one of my favorite ways to support the liver. First and foremost, it’s a natural and inexpensive way to help yourself at home. Fresh lemons stimulate the liver’s natural enzymes which will help eliminate toxins and dissolve congested bile ducts. This cleansing effect will aid in reducing inflammation and symptoms associated with treatment. 

Lemons are also high in vitamin C and contain powerful antioxidants called flavonoids. The flavonoids help protect the cells from damage, prevent disease, reduce inflammation and boost immune function.

In addition to detoxing, lemons have many health benefits! Below are just a few~ 

1-    Balances the Body’s pH levels

2-    Increases Hydration 

3-    Improves Digestion and Bowel Movements 

4-    Supports Immune Function 

5-    Reduces Inflammation   

 There are many ways to incorporate lemons into your daily routine. Two of my favorite natural lemon drinks are listed below:

Honey Lemon-Orange Immune Infusion   

Place 1-2 tbsp Manuka honey bottom of a mug

Add Hot Water – (not boiling)
Squeeze in the juice of half an orange     

Squeeze in the juice of half a lemon

 *Do not use boiling water with lemons because this will reduce the effectiveness of the enzyme within the lemon.  

Liver-Squeeze Lemonade  

Full juice of a lemon

16 ounces of water


1-2 packets of Stevia


 *Adding other hydrating fresh foods like, strawberries, raspberries, cucumber, and mint can also add flavor to this refreshing drink.

**According to a 2018 study published in AIMS Microbiology, Manuka honey has immune boosting qualities and is also antibacterial and antimicrobial.  



Lynn’s Lyme Story


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