Write for Us
Write for Us
At ILA, we’re actively looking for ways to support and give back to our patient community. That’s why we’re seeking writers in Illinois with a deep understanding of Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases to be part of our small but mighty freelance content team.
The type of content we aim to include will typically fall into one or more of the following areas:
Educational information on Lyme and tick-borne diseases you think others need to know
Interesting insights on Lyme disease and mental health
New angles on ticks, tick safety, tick prevention, tick awareness, emerging ticks (you get the idea!)
Summaries of current research on Lyme and tick-borne diseases so that our readers can gain a better understanding of new developments
Occasionally, we may accept personal stories or coping tips, but we’re not looking for that content exclusively. We may also have paid opportunities to write for the Outdoor Illinois Journal, an online publication through the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
What We’re Looking For
If you’re a current or past resident of Illinois or have strong ties to the state (born in Illinois, went to college in Illinois, visit family regularly, etc.) and have a story to share, please drop us a message at:
Be sure to include a few sentences describing the type of article you’d like to write, how you plan to write it, and your proposed length (we want most stories to be between 500 and 1000 words). If we like your idea, you’ll work with our editorial director to fine-tune your article and get it in tip-top shape for publication on our Blog. We have a modest budget, so rates for published articles generally start at $150. We publish one article approximately every two weeks.
Please remember:
Include a proposed title with your pitch.
Let us know about your ties to Illinois.
If you plan to cover a study or interview an expert, please state that information in your pitch.
If possible, provide links to a portfolio or a couple samples of your work.
We make every effort to read all our emails in a timely manner. If you haven’t heard from us in 7 days from the date of your message, please feel free to reach back out to us again. We hope to work with you soon!
About Our Editorial Director
Jenny Lelwica Buttaccio, ILA’s editorial director and long-time Chicagoan, has dealt with Lyme disease for more than 15 years. During her sickest years, she built a successful freelance writing career while bedridden, landing in such publications as HuffPost, Prevention Magazine, Men’s Magazine, Real Simple, Healthline, several well-known Lyme sites, and many other places.
Now doing well, Jenny hopes to pave the way for new and emerging writers on Lyme and tick-borne diseases to break into the industry, get published, and create a means of support for themselves through writing.
Read Jenny’s story here.