Bitten by a Tick? Here’s What to Do Next

Proper Tick Removal

Get the tick off as quickly and cleanly as possible. Use only fine-pointed tweezers and pull upward with a slow steady pressure. Never burn, twist, or smother a tick with any product to try to get it to “back out.” The point is to remove it, intact, without causing it to regurgitate bacteria into your bloodstream. Always clean the bite thoroughly. If you get a rash or are not feeling well, call your doctor right away. Symptoms can take 30 days to begin. By then, most people have forgotten about that tick bite and do not associate the symptoms they are experiencing with it. 

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Testing for Tick-Borne Diseases 

IGeneX has the best available human tick-borne disease testing out there. Also, the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) cautions against single dose antibiotics and recommends 20 days of prophylactic antibiotics for all black legged tick bites. See: ILADS - Treatment Guidelines.

Tick Testing

The most-commonly asked question ILA gets is “Where do I send my tick for testing?” Tick testing should not be used as a diagnostic tool, but it can be used to provide helpful information. It can aid in putting pieces together; just know that some testing results may indicate the presence of animal pathogens that will not affect human health. So, you might have to do a little research when you get the results.  

It is important to be reminded that science is always changing. A pathogen may not be known at the time of testing or the tick was carrying a pathogen not covered on the test. There are over 100 known borrelia strains in the United States and over 300 worldwide. No tick testing is comprehensive. Even if the tick comes back negative, be sure to continue to watch for flu-like symptoms. 

ILA suggests getting the highest pathogen package you can afford.

Two testing companies we recommend are TickReport and Ticknology. Either option is good; just be sure that whatever package you choose for a blacklegged tick includes tick-borne relapsing fever.

If the tick you have encountered is an American dog tick, they are the primary carriers of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The symptom onset would be very rapid and antibiotic treatment is needed immediately. Symptoms are red spotted rash like measles or chickenpox and a high fever. You can find more information here at Igenex Lab. Igenex - RMSF.

Tick Bite Prevention

Pre-treated clothes with Permethrin are best. Follow application instructions on bottle and never spray Permethrin around cats.

Stay safe out there.  If you have any other questions, reach out at:


Rickettsiosis Disease


How To Keep Ticks Out of Your Yard