ILA Executive Director Jennifer Russell Talks Lyme Disease on 97.7 WRAM Radio

ILA Executive Director Jennifer Russell recently appeared on the morning radio show at 97.7 WRAM to discuss the growing concerns surrounding Lyme disease in Illinois. During the segment, she emphasized the importance of awareness regarding tick-borne illnesses, highlighting how how many people remain unaware of the risks involved during outdoor activities.

Jennifer also shared valuable information on preventative measures, such as using permethrin on clothing and gear. Her goal is to educate the public on how to best protect themselves from ticks and tick bites.

In addition to prevention, Jennifer addressed some of ILA’s ongoing research and advocacy efforts to improve the lives of those affected by tick-borne diseases. She mentioned ILA's commitment to collaborating with healthcare professionals and researchers to develop resources that better support patients and their families.

Jennifer's insights aimed to empower listeners with knowledge that can help protect them and their loved ones from Lyme disease in the face of this growing public health issue.

Listen to the episode on 95.7 WRAM here.


Outdoor Illinois Journal: Defend Against Ticks Year-Round: The Top EPA-Approved Tick Repellents You Need to Know


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